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About Us


Mill Creek is a member of the Church of the Brethren, established in 1840. Originating from 13 charter members, Mill Creek has grown into a vibrant multi-generational ministry serving the Shenandoah Valley, greater Virginia, the U.S. and the international community.

Sunday School

The Sunday School program includes classes for all ages, many providing small group opportunities for fellowship and service. Christian education is a vital priority in the life of Mill Creek. Additional education experiences are provided on Wednesdays and through various seasonal programs. Mill Creek's Sunday School program occurs after Sunday Worship from 11am - 12pm.

Children Ministry

Children's ministry activities abound at Mill Creek! Sunday morning includes either an engaging children's message in the large service or a unique Children's Church worship experience just for kids. Wednesday evenings include a welcoming and relaxed children's program including crafts, games, Bible lessons, singing and more! Many other seasonal events geared toward our youngest members are held throughout the year, including our spectacular, week-long, Summer Bible Day Camp!

Music Ministry

Music ministry is a central element in the worship life of Mill Creek. The Praise Team, along with Children's, Adult, and Handbell choirs meet weekly throughout the school year. These diverse musical offerings are blended to create impactful and Spirit-filled worship. During the summer months, Mill Creek is blessed through special music offerings from members of the congregation and community.

Youth Ministry

An active program for our Junior High (grades 6-8) and Senior High (grades 9-12) ministries is supported by our Associate Pastor, Ryan and a strong network of volunteer advisors. This includes monthly activities, involvement in District and denominational programs, National Youth Conference (held every four years), and service ministries.



Meet our Staff!

© 2014 by Mill Creek Church of the Brethren, Port Republic Va.

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